Sat25Oct20149 AM - 5 PMVillage of Forest Park, 517 Des Plaines Ave, Forest Park
For residential property owners and managers in Oak Park, River Forest, and Forest Park. Learn about:
- Marketing Your Vacancies
- Crime Free Multi-Housing
- Eviction Process
- Property Tax Appeals
- Preventative Maintenance
- Fair Housing
- And More!A small fee of $50 is required to cover the cost of lunch and the reference manual. Preregistration is required! To register, contact Michael Stewart at 708-848-7150 or [email protected], or visit http://www.cicchicago.com/landlord-resources-training/property-management-training/workshop-schedule/.
Sponsored by:
Oak Park Regional Housing Center
Community Investment Corporation
Village of Forest Park
The Forest Park Police Department -
Thu30Oct20146:00 pmForest Park West Cook Homeownership Center Office, 7740 Madison
Looking to buy your first home? Let us help! Come to one of our FREE seminars for first-time home buyers and learn about the process. Call our office at (708) 771-5801 to register.
The West Cook Homeownership Center offers these seminars throughout the year. See our calendar of events for more dates and locations!
Wed05Nov20147:00 pmOak Park Regional Housing Center, 1041 South Blvd., Oak Park
Community Conversations is a series of forums where Oak Parkers and other interested parties can discuss issues related to race and equality.
At this Community Conversation, our topic of discussion will be "What would you like to see in Oak Park to promote inter-racial connections and understanding?" Light refreshments will be provided.
Thu20Nov20146:00 pmForest Park West Cook Homeownership Center Office, 7740 Madison
Looking to buy your first home? Let us help! Come to one of our FREE seminars for first-time home buyers and learn about the process. Call our office at (708) 771-5801 to register.
The West Cook Homeownership Center offers these seminars throughout the year. See our calendar of events for more dates and locations!
Tue25Nov20147:00 pmOak Park Village Hall, 123 Madison
Looking to buy your first home? Let us help! Come to one of our FREE seminars for first-time home buyers and learn about the process. Call our office at (708) 771-5801 to register.
The West Cook Homeownership Center offers these seminars throughout the year. See our calendar of events for more dates and locations!
Tue02Dec2014All day!
The Housing Center is participating in Donors Forum‘s #ILGiveBig campaign, which aims to make this year’s Giving Tuesday the largest single day of donations to nonprofits in Illinois. Giving Tuesday follows Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday of the holiday season.
Click here for more information about the Housing Center's participation in this initiative!
Wed10Dec20147:00 pmCommunity Room at the Wednesday Journal, 141 S Oak Park Ave
Community Conversations is a series of forums where Oak Parkers and other interested parties can discuss issues related to race, equity, and community.
Our next Community Conversation is December 10 at 7 pm, at the new Community Room of the Wednesday Journal. The discussion will center around recent deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. The group is also working to plan an event around white privilege and valuing black lives and the lives of people of color.
Light refreshments will be provided. Please join us!