A fair housing market is one in which no one consumer is more burdened in making housing choices than any other. Affirmatively furthering fair housing goes beyond uncovering discrimination and developing affordable housing. It creates a housing market that is open, inclusive, and fulfills the diverse needs of all community residents. This is achieved by implementing policies, practices, programs, and development that encourage racial and ethnic integration and include accessibility and housing for larger families.
Know Your Rights Fair housing laws affect all aspects of housing transactions including sales, rentals, mortgage lending, building and construction, home insurance, appraisals and inspections. We provide fair housing education to all of our clients, property owners and management companies. We believe strongly that a healthy, diverse community must constantly be aware and informed of fair housing rights.
We’re There For You We work with the Village and other local agencies to coordinate a multifaceted effort to provide advocacy in order to sustain the community’s rich diversity.
If you think you’ve been discouraged from or denied the housing of your choice and would like to confidentially speak to someone or leave a message about an issue, please use the form below. All fields are required.