A fair housing market is one in which no consumer is more burdened in making housing choices than any other consumer. Affirmatively furthering fair housing goes beyond uncovering discrimination & developing affordable housing. It must encompass policies that encourage racial and ethnic integration and include accessibility & housing for larger families. Affirmatively furthering fair housing is accomplished through implementing policies, practices, programs, and development that promotes integration.
Other protected classes exist in local ordinances.
The importance of Fair Housing goes beyond a physical structure. Affirmatively furthering fair housing creates a housing market that is open, inclusive, and fulfills the diverse needs of all community residents. Fair housing reconnects neighborhoods by ensuring access to quality housing, regardless of race, gender, religious views, familial status, or disability. All citizens have the opportunity to live in close proximity to high-achieving schools, employment opportunities, transportation options, banking services, grocery stores and retail, public services, and public space. Local government reaps benefits from promoting integration by lowering costs for social services, improving revenues through strong property values, and providing a desirable community where households and businesses can thrive. If you think you’ve been discouraged from or denied the housing of your choice and would like to confidentially speak to someone at the Oak Park Regional Housing Center, or leave a message about an issue, please use the form below. All fields are required. Or, call the HUD Hotline at 1-800-669-9777.