April marks the forty-fifth anniversary of the enactment of the Fair Housing Act. For National Fair Housing Month numerous groups throughout the region and nationwide are celebrating the passing of this law through fair housing lectures, workshops, and other events.
The Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance (CAFHA) is a consortium of fair housing and advocacy organizations and government agencies committed to the value of fair housing, diversity, and integration. This group grants you access to fair housing leaders within Illinois and provides sound insight on how to implement fair housing practices within your jurisdiction. If you work within the fair housing field, we highly recommend that you connect with CAFHA and become a member.
To increase the awareness of affirmatively furthering fair housing, CAFHA is hosting many National Fair Housing Month events to get the community involved. The first event is April 3rd at the James R. Thompson Center. The meeting will feature a recap of the momentous Campaign to Amend the Cook County Human Rights Ordinance to include Source of Income. Panelists include guests from:
- Cook County Commissioner Garcia’s Office
- Open Communities
- Metropolitan Tenants Organization
- Chicago Lawyers for Civil Rights Under the Law
This event is open to all, RSVP to save your seat.
CAFHA is also hosting is a member’s only event at the end of the month, located at Charter One in Downtown Chicago. If you are already a member of CAFHA or are interested in becoming one to attend this meeting, email CAFHA for more information.
If you happen to be in the Springfield area, the Illinois Department of Human rights (IDHR) is planning a two-day conference at the capitol. It’s a great opportunity to connect with groups advocating for fair housing all throughout the state of Illinois. To receive updates about this event, email IDHR.
Make sure that you know your rights when it comes to renting or buying. Advocate for fair housing so that your neighbors, friends, and families are aware of this law and have equal access to opportunity and quality housing. Utilize the events offered through the month of April. Join the fight for fair housing!
By Kathryn Miner, Fair Housing Policy Intern