Event Information:
Tue09Apr20191:10 pmGuaranteed Rate Field, 333 West 35th St., Chicago
Win White Sox Game Tickets
Win 4 Tickets to the White Sox game on April 9th, 1:10 p.m. against the Tampa Bay Rays at Guaranteed Rate Field.
Donate $20 or more during the first week of April 1-7, will be entered into our raffle for a chance to win the White Sox Guaranteed Rate Club ticket package, which includes:
- Premium seats (4)
- Premium reserved parking passes (2)
- Premium buffet in a private lounge with all beverages included
- Private access to the best seat locations in the park
- In-seat wait service for food and beverages
Approximate value for these Guaranteed Rate Club tickets is $800.00. Increase your chances for winning by purchasing multiple raffle tickets at $20 each.
Go to https://oprhc.org/auction/ to make your donation today!
The winner will be notified by email and will need to pick up their ticket package from the Oak Park Regional Housing Center at 1041 South Blvd, Oak Park, IL 60302.
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